Sunday, February 3, 2013

Afternoon After

02/03/2013 – 1:40PM

We are on our way home from out of town, tired but had fun. My muscles are sore from swimming all night until noon this morning, with only meals and three hours of sleep for a break. It was not as good a distraction as I’d hope it would be but nonetheless, it helped. Going back home to the chaos that is the reality of my life is dreadful. I had almost two days of break. That should suffice.

Road trips are always fascinating to me, whether it’s a long drive or there’s traffic or whatnot. I have a habit of sitting by the car door to look at the things and people we pass by. It keeps me preoccupied and I can trick my mind into thinking about very random things rather than wallow in the obstructions of my future endeavors.

I tend to make up stories in my head about the people and objects I see. We’ll I tend to do that anywhere actually; while sitting at a coffee shop, waiting in line in the movies, even when just looking outside our bedroom window. That is every time I want to focus on other people instead of myself.

There is something amusing about figuring out what type of person one just occasionally encounters from afar. I’m not trying to judge a book by its cover or anything like that. What I do is creating a different reality. It’s pure fiction and is no reflection of the actual person. It’s an upgrade from talking to one’s self, which people normally frown upon.

Now, I’m aware that I’m babbling about random things such as people watching. The reason is pretty obvious. I’m trying, yet again, to distract myself. I keep myself busy with sometimes idiotic thoughts to avoid the inevitable realization that my life is currently on pause while time, very uncooperative as always, continuously moves. I may make sense to some people and no to some. But this blog was not intended for the benefit of the reader, as I’m safe in knowing no one really bothers to read this, nor care what I thought. (That was not bitter by the way, but rather reassuring.) This is my outlet which I obviously need nowadays. It helps a little I suppose. I’m still typing away at my laptop right??

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