Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Been Busy..

I have been a neglectful blogger yet again. My bad. I've been out and about for the past month which is why I haven't been able to update my blog. There are so many places I've been and a ton of activities I'd done and would like to talk about but I still need a couple of days to get my thoughts in order.

The summer is almost over and it has been eventful. I've finish a couple of articles for TravelCom and Ogot was finally able to push forward with his love of photography. He is now officially a freelance photographer. The assignments may just be for the summer but it's been a while since I was able to spend the entire summer in peace, doing just what I want to do and being exactly where I want to be.

I will find time to write about what happened this summer, eventually. I still have one last outing to get to then that would be it. My schedule will be freed up after that for sure. I'm somewhat wishing that this summer won't end yet. But it is towards the end as most good things go. I will have to face the sad reality of life soon. I am dreading it but I know it's coming. So I'm soaking up the last bits of summer I can.