Friday, January 18, 2013

First of all..

I am in a another crossroad in my life. Unsure of how to proceed and which direction to take. Now I've been looking for the exit, trying to figure things out. But my mind is too clutter, I don't really know where to start. So after watching a ton of TV series whose characters are able to effectively narrate and pin point the things they what in life as well as exactly what they need to do by simply putting thoughts into words, I decided there is no harm in trying the method.

I've blogged a couple of times before, they all ended up in cyberspace trash because I didn't feel the things I've composed was enough to clear my head. I should have shared, I'm a writer.. Not your trying hard "I can put words into sentences so I must be a writer". I have a diploma in Journalism that would clear that up. I'm not saying that I'm better than everybody else or that I am more qualified to be typing my thoughts away for probably no one to see. What I'm trying to say is that, I studied it for four years I might as well put it to use.

I write a journal, but paper is limiting and you can only put so much words before they run out. The logical thing to do is put it in cyberspace. Unlimited space and no extra memory stored in my laptop.

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