Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Right about the time I was ready to go berserk, just before my head explode, the door to my plans unlocked. It didn't open but I least now I can turn the knob and try to push.

Woke up early today hoping to catch a break. Forced myself to push the call button on my phone to the "powers that be". I finally got a reply asking me to go to the office and collect my due diligence. So I dragged myself out of bed and left the house feeling a little hopeful but trying to prepare for a disaster (as most of my trips to the office often end up that way).

The POC was on break when we got there, we being me and hubby as he volunteered to come with me. To kill time, we went to one of my favorite coffee shops and had breakfast. I was apparently hungry and accidentally snorted the bagels on my plate. I called my mom to catch up since I was feeling guilty for not being in touch for weeks now and I didn't want them to be upset. We had a good talk, just the usual hullabaloo. I was feeling better after a tall glass of coffee and was ready to face the dragon that was the client's POC.

I was able to talk to the POC without scrambling for words, probably because of the coffee, but got disappointed as I didn't receive the amount I was supposed to get. I was expected to wait some more. That was no surprise to me as I was expecting the worse and they always do crap like this. So the waiting continues.. I think I can manage to hold it together 'till then.

For now, at least, I can fulfill my responsibilities. I will worry about my life some other time..

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