Monday, April 22, 2013


This past weekend was a pleasant one. I went to my grandma's for a visit and she was thankfully delighted by our presence. I had a little squabble with the maid but it was a nice trip all in all. We stopped by the mall for groceries beforehand and were able to replenish the supplies for the house. I also checked in with my aunt and grandpa to get the 411 on what's going on when I'm not around. There are some issues that need to be settled but there are already plans to sort everything out.

Sunday was family day in Ogot’s house. Ogot’s cousin from Australia is on vacation here in the PH. She dropped by the house for lunch along with Ogot’s Aunts and some of their children and grandchildren. It was topsy-turvy. The laid out a big lunch, there was laughter and conversation in the air. Watching them made me reminisce about the visits we used to have in my great grandmother’s place. The house was full and everyone is trying to catch up with everybody else. We were young and quirky and went with the flow. But that was then. These days we mostly get together for funerals. We barely see each other on a lighter note and people are always busy with their own thing.

These thoughts are a bit depressing.. Let’s change the topic..

Our summer plans had a couple more trip additions which I am looking forward to. Summer has always been my favorite season especially with the beach, the sun and great company put into it. I’m still trying to drag out some of my happy friends for at least one of the trips but they’re still trying to sort out their schedules. Hopefully they can free some time up.

Apart from the trips we have planned for the summer, I also have a movie list I have to accomplish. This summer is the release of Iron Man 2, Oblivion and Startrek: Into the Darkness plus a couple more films I’ve been looking forward to watch for months now. I will manage to squeeze all this in somehow. I may need to cut some time off sleep but I’ll manage. The important thing to know is that at least for now, I’m doing exactly what I really want..

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